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Can Men Wear Claddagh Rings?

Written by Liz Maguire on Jun 16, 2020 | 0 Comments

Yes! Men absolutely can and do wear Claddagh Rings. For men and women alike a Claddagh Ring is a deeply symbolic choice of jewellery. Read on for a brief overview of the Claddagh Ring’s history, some examples of famous men who proudly wear the design, what it symbolises in how you wear your Claddagh and finally our recommendations for how to consider fit and style to bring home your own Irish Made Men's Claddagh Ring.

What is a Claddagh Ring & What Does it Mean?

A Claddagh Ring, pronounced “Clah-dah”, is a ring which depicts two hands holding a heart under a crown. The Claddagh design originates from the West of Ireland. The name “Claddagh” has its roots in the Irish language of Gaelic. In Gaelic, “Cladach” means “seashore”. The first Claddagh Ring dates back to the 17th Century in County Galway. Recently, the oldest Claddagh Ring known to exist was returned to Galway.

The Hands, Heart and Crown of the Claddagh Ring design represent Friendship, Love and Loyalty. The precursor to the Claddagh Ring is the “Gimmel Ring”, or “Fede”, where two (or three) rings fit together to be worn separately for a time but ultimately together. The tradition of the Gimmel Ring dates back to the Medieval times. A fine example of a historic Gimmel Ring can be found at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. It is customary in the exchange of a Gimmel Ring for both of the betrothed to wear one of the rings, before bringing them together in their matrimony.

There is a long legacy of the Gimmel Ring and therefore the Claddagh as a symbol of commitment and love for both men and women. A man who chooses to wear a Claddagh Ring today is wearing history. A Men's Claddagh Ring represents the Centuries of tradition behind the design. The design can be seen in a number of different interpretations, such as decorating cufflinks or even pocket watches but the Claddagh Ring is by far the most popular choice for the gentleman looking to sport the design.

Who Wears Claddagh Rings?

Today, Claddagh Rings are worn by men and women alike. Whether for romantic or familial reasons, a Claddagh Ring signifies for many an appreciation of Irish heritage. There are several leading Irish Men in Hollywood who wear a Claddagh Ring. Screen legends Gabriel Byrne, Daniel Day Lewis and Colin Farrell have all been captured sporting the iconic token of their homeland.

While Gay, Daniel and Colin all seem to prefer the “classic” style Claddagh Ring there are several interpretations of design available for the modern man to choose from. A Claddagh Ring is a popular choice for a Man’s Wedding Ring, but also can represent an Engagement or Promise Ring. The sentiment behind a Men's Claddagh Ring is unique to each individual.

How Do I Wear My Claddagh?

One of the reasons the Claddagh Ring has endeared itself to so many, is the status of relationship which the ring connotes. Ultimately, it is a personal choice how to wear the Claddagh. Briefly, for example, the photo here shows how the Claddagh could be worn to demonstrate that the man is married. For a complete directory on the meaning of a Claddagh Ring's direction, you can read here.

What Should I Consider When Choosing a Claddagh Ring?

When choosing a Claddagh Ring it’s important to remember fit and style. Before committing to any choices you can make sure that your ring has the best fit possible by requesting our free ring sizer. There’s tons of reasons why ring size can fluctuate (diet, temperature, time of day and more!) so making sure that your handmade Claddagh Ring fits snugly and securely is your first priority.

Once you're sure of the fit, the fun begins! There are many different, handsome styles of Men's Claddaghs to choose from. The more "traditional" would be like those pictured above. A "modern" Men's Claddagh Ring might rather be a band decorated with the iconic hands, heart and crown. The choice to oxidise, or darken, a ring lends a touch of masculinity to a Claddagh Ring which many men prefer.

Hopefully this article has been helpful! We've covered that yes, men can and do wear Claddagh Rings. We learnt that the Gimmel and Claddagh Ring are closely related, historically and sentimentally. Also, we found out several famous actors in Hollywood wear the iconic design for personal and patriotic reasons. Finally, we touched on the importance of fit and style and hope that you will enjoy the below recommendations for Men's Claddagh Rings to start your journey towards finding the perfect ring.

Men's Claddagh Rings

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Liz Maguire

Liz Maguire

My Irish Jeweler

I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thanks to my Irish born father I was lucky enough to regularly visit Ireland -- and receive visitors from Ireland often, to my childhood home. This blending of cultures triggered my interest in Irish art and culture. My love for jewelry was nurtured by my American mom who is an artisan jeweler and dealer. I grew up loving Ireland and jewelry!

Now I happily reside in Dublin, having read Irish Literature and History at Trinity College Dublin. Having a passion for Irish literature, I am particularly interested in the work of poet W.B. Yeats. With the Celtic Revival in the 20th century, Yeats and his contemporaries did much for Irish arts and history. Many of our beautiful pieces at My Irish Jeweler are inspired by the myths and legends, as well as artwork, which gained permanence in Irish heritage as a result of the Celtic Revival.

I look forward to sharing the history and stories which influence the inspiration for our pieces with the My Irish Jeweler readers.
